It’s senior citizens. Are you shark fishing? Your not supposed
to be shark fishing.
I’m 13 and 14 years old. This is an ultra light.
A retired judge, a retired captain. After the third time.
I would walk away from the rod as they got closer and
let them stare in space. A pack of bluefish hooks
is expensive and is of low quantity. I’m repeatedly buying
bluefish hooks. I’m not in the bluefish hook business.
I use the same rig FOR 3 MONTHS!
I’m getting good results.
It’s me, I’m the problem.
Why isn’t he working?
I'm not a policeman.
One shark per vessel per trip. It doesn’t matter if there’s 20 people on board
you’re only permitted ONE!
Recreational Fishing Regulations for Sharks in State Waters
*Regulations were last changed on July 26, 2022, and are subject to change at any time.*
You are NOT permitted to keep any sharks from shore.
Captain Kirk to boldly go where no man has gone before.
I’m here to single handedly deplete the ocean of,it’s natural resources.