And off to church we go.

Posted Sun Jan 28, 2024 10:15 am

Only twice a week ladies. The other days its Rosemary.
Equivalent to two percent minoxidil. More than needed.

Posted Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:50 pm

Posted Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:21 am

Who’s that Filipino with the loud mouth. You want to go fishing?
No free rides here. This isn’t Ireland. I’m no Eugene. I wasn’t
married to the Pinay. I bounce there head off my nob and throw
them the fukc out.

They’re going to pitch a tent together.
He’s renting a room and tucking his kid at night.

This isn’t me.

Posted Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:48 am

Mi gusta. Ti gusta?

Posted Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:32 pm

Black history month.

Posted Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:51 am

They can’t sit still. They’re smoking, drinking, partying.
They’re chasing a pipe dream.

I’m going to Jay’s pub to watch the superbowl.

What was it before that? A shan’t hole called kilarneys. It wasn’t so successful
on Dry Harbor. I put a bouncer at the door at backdrafts.

Do you know where I can get a $500 box?

Let me bring dask to your place. SOOKA ! ! ! !

Posted Fri Feb 02, 2024 12:56 pm

I got out of the shower this morning.
My hair was still a little damp. I put
a little bit of Aragon oil in and slicked
It back.

This is what ends up happening, it’s painful!

Posted Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:24 pm

Babette ask him what happened. He knows everything.

Jacq from 1040 pulled up at the park with his Harley
wearing a hockey helmet. Then he started playing
Bocci ball.

I’m.a policeman.
I broke his head allover the fukcen streets.
Go rescue him.

Posted Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:43 pm

Posted Fri Feb 02, 2024 6:54 pm

Posted Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:38 pm

Posted Sat Feb 03, 2024 8:00 pm

You know the Italian guy that owns the Irish pubs?
What’s his last name, Murphy?

Posted Mon Feb 05, 2024 1:49 pm

I have a little bit of a headache. I thought it would go away
after I had something to eat, if it doesn’t go away by eight
I’ll take an aspirin.

Posted Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:09 pm

Posted Fri Feb 09, 2024 8:57 am

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